Brian Olson, Kansas State University - NWKREC, 105 Experiment Farm Rd, Colby, KS 67701, James Shroyer, KS St. Univ.-Dept. Of Agronomy, Dept. of Agronomy, Throckmorton Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-5504, and Roger Stockton, SW NE RC&D, PO Box 86, Cambridge, NE 69022.
Untimely cold air temperatures can cause severe losses to wheat. In Mid-May, 2004, air temperatures across Northwest Kansas dropped well below freezing. Unfortunately, most wheat in the area was flowering. Farmers had many questions on how to evaluate their wheat for damage which provided extension agronomy with an excellent educational opportunity. Six freeze damage evaluation sites were setup after the freeze, and farmers were encouraged to bring wheat samples to these locations. Once there, a general presentation was delivered covering wheat freeze symptomology and management options. Farmers were given a copy of the K-State publication entitled “Spring Freeze Injury to Kansas Wheat” to aid in their understanding. After the presentation, three stations were available so farmers could have their wheat evaluated for damage. University faculty explained to farmers what symptoms were present in the wheat. In Figure 1, freeze damage can be seen on the two wheat heads on the left while no damage is observed on the right wheat head. At this point, farmers were equipped with the knowledge, a publication to guide them, and the first hand experience of knowing what to look for in their wheat. Farmers were then able to return to their farms and evaluate wheat fields for possible freeze damage. Four hundred and twenty-five farmers brought in over 2,000 wheat samples to be assessed. By providing this service, extension was able to provide a valuable service to farmers by providing them with knowledge and first-hand experience on how to appraise their wheat crop during a time of crisis.

Handout (.pdf format, 642.0 kb)
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