Rob Mitchell and Kenneth Vogel. PO Box 830937, USDA-ARS, U. of Nebraska, 314 Biochemistry Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0937
Our objective is to determine the influence of harvest date on switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) production and stand persistence. This study was conducted at Mead, NE in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 on established �Cave-In-Rock' switchgrass. All plots were burned and fertilized with 112 kg N/ha each year. The study was a randomized complete block design with whole plot treatments as month of harvest (August, September, October, and November), sub-plot treatments as harvests during week of the month, and three replicates per treatment. Sub-plots were harvested with a flail harvester to a 10-cm stubble height at 7-d intervals from 1 August to 15 November. Switchgrass frequency of occurrence was determined in spring of each year. Switchgrass dry matter production patterns and stand frequency of occurrence for each harvest will provide guidance into how to manage switchgrass for bioenergy to optimize long-term production and maintain quality stands.