Wednesday, November 7, 2007: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A, First Floor
314: Forest Soil Carbon Storage
Sponsor:S07 Forest, Range & Wildland Soils
Generation of Carbon Credits and Economic Profitability of Ponderosa Pine Management Practices in Wyoming.
Amitava Chatterjee, University of Wyoming, George F. Vance, University of Wyoming, Si�n Mooney, Boise State University, Daniel B. Tinker, University of Wyoming, James Arnold, Wyoming State Forestry Division, Peter D. Stahl, University of Wyoming, Bill Haggenson, Wyoming State Forestry Division
The Role of Long-Term Forest Management in Soil Aggregation and Soil Organic Matter Storage in a Sandy Soil of the Coastal Plain.
Elena Azuaje, University of Florida, Nicholas Comerford, University of Florida
Thirty-year Changes in Mineral Soil C in a Cumberland Plateau Forest as Influenced by Soil N Forms and Topography.
L. Chris Kiser, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, J. Michael Kelly, Virginia Tech, Paul Mays, Tennesee Valley Authority (TVA)
Estimation of Forest Soil Carbon Stocks Using Double Sampling for Stratification.
Cindy Shaw, Canadian Forest Service, James Boyle, Oregon State University, A. Y. Omule, Agro Forestry Limited
Evaluation of the Effect of Conifer Encroachment on Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Soil Properties in Aspen Ecosystems of Northern Utah.
Mical Woldeselassie, Utah State University, Helga Van Miegroet, Utah State University
Ancient Maya Wetland Agriculture at Tikal, Guatemala.
Joe Sorber, BYU Environmental Science Club, Richard Terry, Brigham Young University, Richard Burnett, Brigham Young University
Spatial Variability of Soil Carbon Under Three Different Land Cover Types in the Piedmont of Georgia, USA.
Luke Worsham, The University of Georgia, Nathan Nibbelink, The University of Georgia, Larry West, The University of Georgia, Daniel Markewitz, The University of Georgia
The Influence of Tree Species on Soil Organic Matter Formation.
Kevin Mueller, Penn State University, Dave Eissenstat, Penn State University, Jon Chorover, The University of Arizona, Jacek Oleksyn, Polish Academy of Sciences, Peter Reich, University of Minnesota
Soil Carbon Dynamics along a Climatic Gradient in Eastern Boreal Forests.
David Par�, Natural resources Canada, Robert Boutin, Natural resources Canada, Guy Larocque, Natural resources Canada

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