Poster Number 1202
See more from this Division: S11 Soils & Environmental QualitySee more from this Session: General Soils and Environmental Quality: II
It is observed that 5% WTRs treatment resulted in the lowest extractable DOC percentage in the soil total carbon, and amendments of 1% phosphatic clay, 0.5% pine needle, 0.5% maple leaf, 1% WTRs, and 50 and 100 ppm KH2PO4 fertilizer did not change extractable DOC percentages as compared to Control. However, amendments of 2.5% phosphatic clay, 1% pine needle and 1% maple leaf in the two soils resulted in greater percentages of extractable DOC. These results suggest that amendment of WTRs at 5% can significantly reduce the release of DOC in soils whereas amendment of organic materials (such as pine needles and maple leaf) and inorganic substances (such as phosphatic clay and WTRs) at low rates has a minimal effect on DOC release.
A general decreasing tendency of DOC in leachate with leaching events was observed for the soils with varying amendments, with peak concentrations of DOC occurring in the first leaching event and in the 14 days’ leaching event; afterwards, a decrease tendency in DOC in leachate was evident (28 and 56 days). Organic material amendments (pine needle and maple leaf) at different levels resulted in higher DOC concentrations in leachate, whereas, amendment of 1% phosphatic clay resulted in the lowest DOC in leachate as compared to other amendments. Furthermore, 5% WTR amendment resulted in lower DOC in leachate than organic material amendments, but higher DOC in leachate than inorganic material amendments.
Key words: Dissolved organic carbon (DOC); Soil amendment; Column leaching; Soil total organic carbon (TOC).
See more from this Session: General Soils and Environmental Quality: II