164-2 Remaking the Long-Standing Publication �How a Corn Plant Develops� to �Corn Growth and Development�.

Poster Number 601

See more from this Division: A04 Extension Education
See more from this Session: General Extension Education: II
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Long Beach Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC, Lower Level
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Lori Abendroth, Stephanie Marlay, Matthew Boyer, Sarah Baune and Roger Elmore, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
A new publication titled “Corn Growth and Development” (CGD) is replacing “How a Corn Plant Develops” (HACPD) Special Report 48 by Iowa State University (ISU). Notably the most cited extension corn publication in the U.S., HACPD is used by producers, agronomists, agribusiness personnel, and scientists around the world. It has been referenced in over one thousand refereed journal publications to-date. The publication, originally released in 1966, has had minimal changes since a major revision in 1982. In remaking HACPD, four objectives were developed for CGD: (1) rewrite text to include new research relative to corn growth and development, (2) photograph the above- and below-ground portions of a modern hybrid, (3) construct developmental timelines across large periods of time using computer software not previously available, and (4) include nutrient and biomass accumulation curves derived from Iowa research conducted during 2007-2008. For photographs, a commercial non-prolific hybrid was grown in both greenhouse (VE to V3 plants) and field conditions (V6 to R6 plants) near Ames, IA in 2009. Plants were grown in pots, ranging in size from 22 L to 193 L, to limit root restriction and to allow for root excavation without breaking or losing roots. Plants were transported to the Iowa State University campus for studio photography. Approximately five thousand frames were distilled into one hundred thirty different figures and were photographed during fourteen studio sessions. The new publication will be available from Iowa State University Extension (www.extension.iastate.edu/store/).
See more from this Division: A04 Extension Education
See more from this Session: General Extension Education: II