325 Symposium--Advancing Agronomy Through Public-Private Collaboration

Oral Session
C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality This symposium will address the following questions: i.) what are the education and outreach needs of current and future employers of agronomy undergraduate and graduate students, ii.) in the era of declining public dollars and increased proprietary knowledge and technology, what are the potential areas of public-private collaboration and what are the barriers to overcome, and iii.) who should and who has the capacity to do the needed general agronomic research and outreach needed to meet project future food, feed, fiber and fuel needs.


Education & Extension
Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 8:00 AM-12:05 PM
Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom C-2

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Vernon Cardwell and Christopher Boomsma
Vernon Cardwell
8:05 AM
Symposium Overview.
Vernon Cardwell, University of Minnesota; Christopher Boomsma, Dow AgroSciences
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
10:15 AM
Graduate Education Perspectives of Advancing Agronomy Via Public-Private Collaboration.
Allan Ciha, Iowa State University; Allen Knapp, Iowa State University; Daniel Dobill, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc
10:35 AM
11:30 AM
Panel Discussion and Questions.
Christopher Boomsma, Dow AgroSciences; Vernon Cardwell, University of Minnesota
12:05 PM