338-7 Delivering the Best Foods to a Hungry World.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 10:45 AM
Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 008A, River Level

Kristin Bilyeu, USDA/ARS Plant Genetics Research Unit, Columbia, MO
The world population's demand for foods and feeds has grown more intricate than ensuring basic daily caloric needs.  Managing human nutrition and efficient  livestock production requires research on nutritional  needs, communication and adoption by the population, and availability and economic opportunity to acquire  foods that meet those needs.  Together plant biologists and plant breeders have a critical role in this scheme by developing new varieties of crops that can meet the nutritional needs of our ultimate clients, consumers.  The objective of my research is to investigate ways to alter soybean seed composition to provide more nutritionally enhanced soybean based foods and feeds, such as high oleic acid soybean oil and soybean seed meal with more digestible energy and bioavailable minerals.
See more from this Division: C09 Biomedical, Health-Beneficial & Nutritionally Enhanced Plants
See more from this Session: Symposium--From Soil to Sustenance: The Complex Journey of Human Nutrients From Soil to the Edible Portions of Plants