Thomas Boutton

Thomas Boutton

Texas A&M University
Ecosystem Science and Management
College Station, TX
USA 77843-2138

10:00 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Hall C 123-33 Changes In Soil Amino Composition and Microbial N Acquisition Strategies In Response to Woody Plant Invasion of Grasslands.
2:30 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Hall C 142-3 Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage and Dynamics In Loblolly Pine Ecosystems As Impacted by Forest Management.
9:35 AM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 006C 216-5 Mycorrhizal Status of Chinese Tallow, An Exotic Invasive Tree.
1:15 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 006B 354-2 Using Long-Term Soil Incubations to Determine Drivers of Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation In Response to Woody Encroachment.