The Sustainable Solution to Environmental Quality Issues: The Chameleon Effect.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 19, First Floor
Nadine J. Kabengi, Departments of Geosciences and Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Environmental quality problems of the future are multifaceted, multidisciplinary and increasingly complex. Solving these challenging problems will require equally versatile solutions developed through the collaborative efforts of scientists from a number of disciplines, namely soil science which arguably is the main thrust in fate, transport and risk evaluations. Central to the success of this endeavor is the ability of future, and current, scientists to communicate effectively with each other across discipline-specific technical languages as well as interface seamlessly with policy makers and the public. This presentation will give examples highlighting the need and benefits of such an interdisciplinary training while acquiring a strong skill set in a basic discipline. It will also showcase a case-study demonstrating how the basics of soil science are critical to modern environmental problems. Producing scientists with chameleon-like minds is the blueprint of a sustainable solution to all environmental quality issues.