Deliver the Right Information to the Right People With Email Segmentation.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:15 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 12, First Floor
Andrew M. McGuire, Extension, Washington State University, Ephrata, WA
Email is a foundational technology of today’s information world. Although not acclaimed like the more recent social networking, it is the most basic electronic connection to most people – even Facebook requires an email. Extension uses this tool widely, mainly for contacting individuals, or groups through email lists. Automated mailing list management allows us to contact many individuals quickly and cheaply. However, there are new ways to improve this tool. Using commercial email services to segment email lists allows Extension to customize information according to individual’s personal interests. Our email system has 42 segments, allowing us to be very specific in choosing who receives the information we send out. It also allows clientele to manage their information according to their needs; they receive only what they want to receive and they can change the mix whenever they want. On average, each member of our list subscribes to 9.7 segments. Challenges include not being able to send attachments and being limited to OR operators when choosing target segments for emails, but overall these systems can makes delivery of information more efficient and effective.