Educating Thousands of Young Gardeners and Potential Crop and Soil Science Program Recruits in the St. Croix Valley Region of Wisconsin.
Poster Number 107
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, Registration Center, Second Floor
Jennifer Lynn Kuffel, Plant and Earth Science, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, River Falls, WI, Danielle Dykes, Plant and Earth Science, UW-River Falls, River Falls, WI and William A. Anderson, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, River Falls, WI
To educate the local public about crops and soils, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Crops and Soils Club worked with the YMCA’s Camp St. Croix in Hudson, Wisconsin. The YMCA, with the Club’s assistance, planted a large garden during the summer to teach campers how crops are grown and how soils are managed. Club members provided information to educate the campers about production agriculture, and how vital crops and soils are to the world. The club believes that it is important to start educating and building a good work ethic at a young age, that is why we are happy about working with the YMCA and educating young kids throughout the summer!