Arkansas Soybean Research Verification Program - What We Have Learned.

Poster Number 912

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

William Jeremy Ross, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, CES, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Little Rock, AR, Christopher Grimes, Crop, Soil, and Enviornmental Sciences, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, CES, Little Rock, AR and C. Robert Stark Jr., Agricultural Economics, University of Arkansas at Monticello, Monticello, AR
The Arkansas Soybean Research Verification Program (SRVP) was established in the early 1980’s.  The SRVP represents a public demonstration of the implementation of research-based recommendations in actual field-scale farming environments.  The objectives of the SRVP are to: 1) educate producers on the benefits of utilizing University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture recommendations to improve yield and/or net returns; 2) to conduct on-farm field trials to verify research based recommendations; 3) to aid researchers in identifying areas of production that require further study; 4) to improve or refine existing recommendations which contribute to more profitable production; and 5) to incorporate data from the SRVP into Extension educational programs at the county and state level.  Until recently, data from the SRVP has only been subjected to analyses based upon the current year’s results.  This study used the entire historical dataset to evaluate soybean yield potential by planting date, quantity trends in agricultural chemical uses for soybean production, and economic and agronomic benefits associated with the SRVP.
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