Adaptation of Faba (Vicia faba) Varieties to Southwest Ohio.
Poster Number 1400
Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor
Thomas C. Stilwell, Wilmington College, Martinsville, OH and Ashley Clark, Agriculture, Wilmington College, Winchester, OH
The Southwest region of Ohio is not commonly known for growing Faba Bean. There have been several attempts to grow this crop at the Wilmington College Living Crop Museum, but no seed has ever been harvested. The major problem has been infections caused by Botrytis fabae. This experiment will test seven different varieties of Faba Bean: Sweet Lorane, Windsor, Extra Proceco Violetto, Early White, Delle Cascine, Superaguadulce, and Supersimonia. There will be 3 replications with a randomized complete block in a split plot design. The main plot is planting date and the sub plots are the varieties. Each variety has three planting dates: April 14th, April 28th, and May 12th. The data to be collected includes emergence, plant height at 3, 6, and 9 weeks, plants per row, first flowering, and foliar disease scores.