Promoting Agronomy By Hosting the FFA Career Development Event.
Poster Number 111
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, Registration Center, Second Floor
Chalone S Hefley, Ryan Heinrich, Tyler McCoy and Brock C. Blaser, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX
The West Texas A&M University Department of Agricultural Sciences has hosted an invitational Agronomy FFA Career Development Event for the past several years. Over the past three years, the Farm & Ranch Club has assumed responsibility for the contest and also prepares a second contest for a nearby community college. These contests have seen increased participation over the past few years and the members of the club have taken ownership and pride in hosting a well-organized, high quality contest. Students who participated in the contest as high school students are now students at West Texas A&M and attribute their decision to attend the University to their involvement in the FFA event.