Ratio Solid - Air - Water Of Coconut Fiber In Function To Different Particle Sizes.

Poster Number 1110

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Luiz Vitor Crepaldi Sanches1, Maria Julia Carreiro Lima Ferreira1, Roberto Lyra Villas Boas2, Thomas Fiore de Andrade2, Bruno Marcos de Paula Macedo2 and Camila Abrahão3, (1)Soil Science, Univ. Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, Brazil
(2)Ciencia do Solo, FCA-UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil
(3)Ciências do Solos, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil

Ratio solid - air - water of coconut fiber in function to different particle sizes.


1UnespUniv Estadual Paulista, José Barbosa de Barros street, n. 1780, zip code 18610-307, Botucatu city, São Paulo State, Brazil, e-mail: luizvitorsanches@fca.unesp.br; majucarreiro@hotmail.com; rlvboas@fca.unesp.br; tfandrade@fca.unesp.br; macedinho2@hotmail.com

Keywords: substrate, air space, available water, buffering water, remaining water, physical structure

Coconut is one of the industry waste material of coconut water and coconut fruit, be it natural, grated or dehydrated. The industrial refining of coconut shells produces fibers with varying particle sizes. The objective was to evaluate the relationship of solids - air - water of coconut fibers of different diameters. This study was conducted in the laboratory in the Department of Soil Science of the FCA/Univ. Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, Sao Paulo - Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks with seven treatments, three blocks and three replicates. Treatments: Coconut fiber (CF) fibrous (particles of 25 to 55 mm); chips (15 to 25 mm), mixed (5 to 15 mm) and granulated (<5 mm). Parameters evaluated: solid particles (SP), aeration space (AS) available water (AW), buffering water (BW), and the remaining water (RW). The materials were placed into rings with a volume of 90,478 cm³ and allowed to saturate for 24 hours, after this period, the rings were placed in the tension table under tensions 0,1, 0,6 and 1,0 kPa, remaining for 48 hours each tension and measuring the weight in each time interval. Upon reaching constant weight the rings were dried with forced air circulation at a temperature of 65 ºC. The results were statistically analyzed using the Tukey test. There are significant differences reducing the size of the particles. There was a reduction in the volume of SP (70,2% fibrous, 49,7% chips, 33,9% mixed and 7,3% granulated) and an increase in the (3,4% fibrous, 14,2% chips, 16,6% mixed and 9,1% granulated), AW (3,3% fibrous, 6,3% chips, 13,2% mixed and 40,2% granulated), BW (2,8% fibrous, 4% chips, 8,1% mixed and 9,2% granulated) and RW (20,2% fibrous, 25,8% chips, 28,2% mixed and 34,2% granulated). Particles sizes of CF retains a certain amount of water, which results in the need different management.

Presentation format: poster

Contacting author:

Name: Dr. Luiz Vitor Crepaldi Sanches

E-mail: luizvitorsanches@fca.unesp.br

Tel no: +55 14 81210871

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