Focus Group Assessments of Farmer Perceptions and Adaptation to Increasing Variable Weather Patterns in Maine.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 10:45 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 33, Third Floor

John M. Jemison Jr., University of Maine, Orono, ME and Stephanie Welcomer, business, university of maine, orono, ME
In 2011, fifteen focus groups were held with 199 farmers and crop advisors to better understand issues of importance to the future of farming in Maine. We met with seven commodity groups and had five mixed farmer sessions. We asked participants Òwhat changes are you making on your farm with respect to fluctuating weather patternsÓ. We learned that farmers are concerned about erratic weather influencing crop production, but farmers generally have a take what comes attitude and manage with the weather they have. Many examples of adaption were mentioned, but farmers do not see management measures as climate change adaptation. Apple and blueberry growers expressed the greatest concern while surprisingly little concern was expressed about potentially higher temperatures affecting potato production. Growers are faced with so many issues that they seemed less concerned about potential future threats.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Climatology & Modeling
See more from this Session: General Global Climate Change: II

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