K-State 2025 – Department of Agronomy: Converging Or Colliding Paths to the Future?.

Monday, November 4, 2013: 9:15 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 1 and 2, First Floor

Kevin J. Donnelly and Dana J. Minihan, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
A major strategic planning effort is ongoing at Kansas State University entitled “K-State 2025.”  The overall benchmark is, “To be recognized as one of the nation’s top 50 public research universities by 2025.”  In concert with university and college-wide goals which have been developed under seven major thematic areas, each department is developing short, intermediate and long-term goals, along with metrics to measure progress.  A set of goals under the Undergraduate Education Experience thematic area have been developed by the faculty.  The objective of this study was to assess undergraduate student opinions as to how they rank the importance of the individual goals identified, and to seek input regarding changes or additions that should be made.  A survey was sent to all students majoring in agronomy during the spring 2013 semester, with a 40% response rate.  Students were asked to rank the 21 goal statements and 14 metrics proposed by the faculty using a Likert scale.  Students generally rated the 2025 process as very important, but had not heard a lot about it nor discussed it very much with peers or faculty.  Goals ranked highest by students were related to maintaining excellence in teaching, advising and quality of learning experiences.  Lower rated goals were increased participation in international activities and undergraduate research.  The metric ranked highest for assessing progress was placement rate, while graduation rate and international participation were rated on the low end.  Results will be used to further refine or add to the goals prior for final approval.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Education & Extension
See more from this Session: General Undergraduate Education: I

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