Nitrogen and Sulphur Fertilizing Efficiency Agronomical Characteristics of Sugar-Cane Culture.

Poster Number 1515

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Felipe Barros Macedo1, Pedro Henrique Cerqueira Luz2, Valdo Rodrigues Herling2, Agostinho Domingos Miguel Francisco2, Letícia de Abreu Faria3, Ana Carolina Alves2, Fernando Palma2 and Fernanda de Fatima Silva2, (1)Stoller Group, Campinas, Brazil
(2)Department of Animal Science (ZAZ), University of São Paulo - Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering (USP/FZEA), Pirassununga, Brazil
(3)University of São Paulo - Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz' (USP/ESALQ), Piracicaba, Brazil
The present study’s objective was to evaluate the nitrogen fertilizing efficiency and the sugar cane agronomical characteristics as well as the nitrogen losses in the soil x plant system. The study was performed in Araras, São Paulo, Brasil, in the Sao Joao Usine Group area, in a two year evaluation period, 2007 and 2008. The used variety was the SP80-1816. The evaluation started after the first and second harvest, without previous burning, and mechanically. The experimental design was based on the random blocks standard, with ten treatments (T1: Control+Gypsum(-N+S); T2: Control(-N-S); T3: Urea – 45%N; T4: Urea+Gypsum; T5: Urea+Ammonium Sulphate (SA) - 21%N/24%S-(33:00:00+12%S); T6: Ammonium Nitrate (NA) - 30%N; T7: Ammonium Nitrate(NA) - 30%N + Gypsum; T8: NA + Ammonium Sulphate - 21%N/24%S-(27,8:00:00+6%S); T9: SA; T10: FASN(SA e NA - 26%N/14%S)) and four repetitions, totalizing 40 experimental parcels, for 100Kg N/ha applied superficially on the lines of stumps with straw, in October in two seasons. Each experimental parcel was composed by 7 sugar cane lines spaced in 1,4m and 13 m long, distributed in a 127,4 m2 area, considering the five central line as useful, discounting two lateral lines and 1,5 m from each parcel’s extremity, as border segment. The N-NH3 volatization loss evaluation was effectuated after harvest, during cover fertilization. The highest accumulated N-NH3 losses were generated from Urea(17,69 and 27,67%) application followed by Urea+Gypsum(13,02 and 23,85%)  and Urea+SA(11,70 and 13,84%) in both sugar canes ratoons, respectively(p<0,0001). It was observed, in the second ratoon, a loss increasing, that was higher after the application, where the minimum rate were in the 9th and 11th days for the 1st and 2nd ratoon, respectively. For accumulated sugar cane productivity in two consecutive crops, the FASN was the source that generated the best response, followed by SA and NA(p<0,0001).
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis
See more from this Session: Secondary and Micronutrients Poster Session

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