Decomposition Of Rice Straw and Soil Organic Matter In Organic Soils: Priming Effect and Microbial Dynamics.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 11:15 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 39, Third Floor
Rongzhong Ye1, Timothy A. Doane2, Jennifer Morris1 and William R. Horwath3, (1)Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA (2)LAWR, UC Davis, Davis, CA (3)Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California Davis, Davis, CA
Straw incorporation is a common practice to increase soil fertility in rice fields, but it also may increase soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and the production of greenhouse gas methane (CH4). To quantify the priming effect of straw addition, we anaerobically incubated a peat soil from rice paddies with 13C-enriched rice straw for 3 months and measured δ13C values in DOC, CO2, and CH4 that produced during the incubation. Stable-isotope probing PLFA analysis was also conducted to assess the changes in soil microbial community structure and composition. Rice straw contributed to <5% of the total DOC, yet its addition increased DOC production from SOM by up to 233% resulting in a positive priming effect. Similarly, straw addition increased total CO2 production, 43-67% of which was from the decomposition of SOM. Priming effect of straw addition on CO2 production from SOM maximized on day 2, but the effect diminished gradually and was negative on day 60 and afterwards. Methanogenesis was mostly inhibited during the whole course of incubation, primarily due to the dominance of iron reduction. Straw amendment enhanced CH4 production after a lag period of 10 days and contributed to 52-63% of the total production, with the remaining attributed to the priming effect. Straw addition significantly increased total PLFA during the first week of incubation, suggesting the increases in microbial biomass. More 13C was incorporated into branched-chain PLFAs (gram-positive bacteria) than straight, mono-unsaturated PLFAs (gram-negative bacteria). Principal component analysis revealed clear successions of microbial consortia during the decomposition. Our result suggested that microbial biomass may play an important role in the processes that lead to the timing and magnitude of priming effects.