Impact of Managed Subsurface Drainage On Phosphorus Loss From a Claypan Soil in Corn Production.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 3:15 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 25, First Floor

Patrick R. Nash1, Kelly A. Nelson2 and Peter P. Motavalli1, (1)University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
(2)University of Missouri, Novelty, MO
Over 850 thousand hectacres of farmland in Missouri could benefit from the installation of subsurface drainage systems.  However, increased use of subsurface drainage systems in Missouri may result in additional P may enter surface waters via tile drainage water.  A four year subsurface drainage study was initiated on a claypan soil in corn production starting in June, 2010. The objectives of this research are to (i) determine how much ortho-P can be lost via tile drainage water and (i) determine if subsurface drainage can improve corn yield production in a claypan soil and (ii) determine if managed subsurface drainage can significantly reduce ortho-P loss in tile drainage water compared to conventional subsurface drainage. Data is currently being analyzed at this time.   
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems
See more from this Session: The Agronomy of Precision Water Management and Drainage

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