Connecting With Farmers Through a Nation-Wide Network of Locally-Relevant Research Platforms in Mexico.

Monday, November 4, 2013: 1:00 PM
Marriott Tampa Waterside, Grand Ballroom G, Second Level

Rachael Cox, Conservation Agriculture, Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Texcoco, Estado de Mexico, Mexico, Nele Verhulst, Conservation Agriculture, CIMMYT, Texcoco, Estado de Mexico, Mexico and Bram Govaerts, CIMMYT, Mexico Df, Mexico
Climate change models predict that the changes in temperature and precipitation in Mexico will adversely affect agricultural yields by 25%.  Already, grain yields in Mexico are not sufficient to meet the demands of the population, and import demands are high.  Various long term trials completed by the International Center of Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) in Mexico have shown conservation agriculture to have higher and more consistent yields in climates with reoccurring extreme weather conditions (drought, flood, high temperatures).  MasAgro is a project of CIMMYT through the Mexican government that uses conservation agriculture as the basis for sustainable yield and profitability increases, in combination with other locally adequate technologies.  MasAgro, Sustainable Modernization of Traditional Agriculture, is a strategy based on scientific research, capacity building, and extension.  One component of MasAgro, Take it to the Farmer, combines in-field research addressing local needs and conditions, training, and extension with the goals of increasing yields, profitability, and sustainability of crop production in Mexico.  The research and extension takes place in regional innovation networks, or hubs, which consist of research platforms, on-farm demonstration modules, and extension areas.  To complete localized in field research, CIMMYT has developed a network of over 40 crop production research platforms with local collaborators to understand conservation agriculture, fertility management, appropriate seed and machinery, and pest management at a local level.  MasAgro’s network of collaborators and field trials continue to grow, to represent the diverse agroecosystems and production systems in Mexico.  This presentation will present the diverse systems and conditions being studied in the network of research sites, methods for connection to technicians and farmers through research platforms, and some initial results from the field research.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Education & Extension
See more from this Session: Applied Agronomic Research and Extension: II

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