Performance of Tomato in Response to Nutrient Solution Concentration From Fertigation, in Substrate.
Poster Number 906
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor
Leila Trevisan Braz1, Danilo Mesquita Melo1, Marcus Vinicius Marin1, Eduarda Grizzo Gobato1 and Hamilton César de Oliveira Charlo2, (1)Department of Crop Production, UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil (2)Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Brazil
The concentration of nutrient solution in fertigation may exert direct influence on the nutrient absorption by plants grown in organic substrates, thereby affecting the production and fruit quality. The aim of this study was evaluate the performance of salad tomato subjected to different concentrations of the nutrient solution on a substrate. The Paronset hybrid was cultivated in pots containing coconut husk fiber, fertilized with nutrient solution recommended for culture. The five nutrient solution concentrations were: 25%; 50%; 100% (original); 150%, and 200% of original concentration recommended. The evaluations consisted of fruits productivity and quality characteristics. The yield decreased with the increasing concentration of the nutrient solution. The dilution of the nutrient solution at 25% of the original highest best quality and productivity of fruits.