Penalobo Castle ROCKS, An Exemple Of This Geoforms As A Promotional and Didactic Geotouristic Resource.

Poster Number 914

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Carlos Pinharandas, Master student at University of Évora, Sabugal, Portugal, Tiago Cabral, Trainee Topographer at Municipality of Sabugal, Sabugal, Portugal, José Nobre, Master student at University of Minho, Sabugal, Portugal and Ana Gomes, Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
The village of Penalobo, located in the municipality of Sabugal (Portugal) is characterized by hercynian granites with interesting geological features, including pegmatite veins and quartz crystals with exotic forms, and presents some steep slopes and plateaus. From the mountainous configuration highlight some more pronounced elevations called "Castle Rocks". These Castle Rocks are inserting in a region with a remarkable geological heritage. In the scope of “Ciencia Viva” (Life Science) program, created by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology, have been created a geotouristic route with the aim of integrate the different gains of local heritage. The unique mineral wealth of this region, its richness in terms of traditional regional products, cultural heritage, that highlight the Celtic sanctuary of Cabeço of Fraguas dating from the first iron age, and the ethnographic wealth, due to a peculiar rural entity, make this region a point of interest. With this work one pretend to, in a multidisciplinary perspective, present new methods to promote the geological, patrimonial, cultural and ethnographic local wealth, using new technologies.
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