Multimedia Strategies to Educational Enchancement of the Geolocical Heritage of the Following Regions: "Ilha Do Fogo" (Cabo-Verde), Seridó (Brasil), Sabugal (Portugal) and Açores (Portugal).

Poster Number 911

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

João Cabral1, Ana Gomes2, Vera Alfama2, Ana Aldano3, Carlos Pinharandas4, Pedro Fonseca5, José Campos6 and José Nobre7, (1)Master student at University of Beira Interior, Sabugal, Portugal
(2)Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
(3)Master Student at DEGEO UFOP, Natal, Brazil
(4)Master student at University of Évora, Sabugal, Portugal
(5)Master student at University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
(6)Junta de Freguesia de Fóios, Foios, Portugal
(7)Master student at University of Minho, Sabugal, Portugal
To developing a multimedia game we have used four 3D mascots for teaching in several primary schools, in Brazil, Cape Vert, Azores and Portugal.

The main objective is value the geological heritage of the Ilha do Fogo (Cabo Verde), Seridó in State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil), Sabugal in Beira Alta province (Portugal) and Arquipélago dos Açores (Portuguese autonomous region). These regions have a great geological heritage like volcanology, plutonic rocks, sedimentar formations, metamorphic, paleontologic, mineralogic, geomorphologic, hydric and mining resources. Such heritage is being used in the different regions has base of studies to senior scientists and were used to great scientific researches. The diversified and distinguished cultural heritage of these four regions is referenced and it’s a value to the union of the students from these three continents, with the Portuguese language as communication tool.

The variety of the geological wealth and cultural of these regions, results in the common objective of their valuing like Geoparks. His creation on these three regions is a strategy with a great relevance to the socioeconomic development.With the creation of this game, we promote the union of these 3 countries from these three continents, the universal values of the heritage richness that are offered by our planet.

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See more from this Session: General Extension Education: I

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