General Biophysical Measurements and Sensors: I

Poster Session

ASA Section: Climatology & Modeling

This is a general, poster session for papers related to biophysical measurements and sensors.


Biophysical Measurements and Sensors Community
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Community Leader:
John M. Baker
Sensitivity of Load Removal From Trellis Wire for Static and Dynamic Prediction of Grapevine Yield.
Bernardo Chaves, Washington State University; Julie M. Tarara, USDA-ARS
Improved Soil Heat Flux Assessment Using a Penta-Needle Heat Pulse Probe.
Scott B. Jones, Utah State University; Kashifa Rumana, Utah State University; Markus Tuller, The University of Arizona
A Field Spectrometer Designed to Interface With Dataloggers and Continuously Monitor Plant Canopy Reflectance.
Mark Mark Blonquist Jr., Apogee Instruments, Inc.; Ty Weaver, Apogee Instruments, Inc.; Skiffington Smith, Apogee Instruments, Inc.; Ryan Lindsley, Apogee Instruments, Inc.; Bruce Bugbee, Utah State University
Automated Measurement of Crop Water Status Using Canopy Temperature and Biophysical Principles.
Christopher Parry, Utah State University; Mark Mark Blonquist Jr., Apogee Instruments, Inc.; Bruce Bugbee, Utah State University
Sensors for Sustainable Management.
James S. Schepers, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Kyle H. Holland, Holland Scientific
Inferring Relative Heat, Water Vapor and Carbon Exchange From Digital Images of Vegetative Canopies.
Robert M. Aiken, Kansas State University; Patrick Coyne, Kansas State University