Symposium--Phosphorus Fate, Management, and Modeling in Artificially Drained Systems: I

Oral Session

ASA Section: Environmental Quality

This symposium will (1) document the range of settings in North America where artificial drainage serves as a important pathway of phosphorus transfer from agricultural lands to surface waters, (2) review and evaluate options for managing phosphorus transfers to artificial drainage systems, and (3) assess the representation of important processes in models.


Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community
Environmental Quality, Soil & Water Management & Conservation, Soils & Environmental Quality
Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 7:50 AM-12:25 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 16
Community Leader:
Amy L. Shober
Peter J. A. Kleinman , Carl H. Bolster and Douglas R. Smith
Peter J. A. Kleinman
7:50 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:00 AM
Diffuse Losses of Phosphorus From Agricultural Soils - Status and Preventive Measures in a Nordic Perspective.
Lars Bergström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Helena Andersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Helena Aronsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Faruk Djodjic, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Holger Kirchmann, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Pia Kynkäänniemi, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Jian Liu, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Annika Svanbäck, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Barbro Ulén, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Ana Villa, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
8:20 AM
Tile Drainage Phosphorus Losses From Agricultural Soils: Case Studies in Canada.
Tiequan Zhang, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Chin Tan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Zhiming Zheng, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Craig F. Drury, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada; Tom Welacky, AAFC
8:40 AM
Management of Phosphorus Losses From Artificially Drained Grazed Pastures.
Richard McDowell, AgResearch; Chris Tanner, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
9:00 AM
9:10 AM
Case Studies: Drainage Water Phosphorus Losses in the Great Lakes Basin.
Douglas R. Smith, USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory; R. Peter Richards, Heidelberg University; Kevin King, ARS-USDA; David Baker, Heidelberg University; Wendy Francesconi, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory; Andrew N. Sharpley, University of Arkansas
9:20 AM
Phosphorus Losses From An Irrigated Watershed in the Northwestern U.S.: Case Study of the Upper Snake-River Watershed.
April B. Leytem, USDA-ARS Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory; Dave Bjorneberg, USDA-ARS Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory; James A. Ippolito, USDA-ARS Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory; Dan M. Sullivan, Oregon State University
9:30 AM
Phosphorus In Drainage Waters Of The Atlantic Coastal Plain.
Peter J. A. Kleinman, USDA-ARS; Ray Bryant, USDA-ARS; Anthony R. Buda, USDA-ARS; Arthur L. Allen, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Deanna L. Osmond, North Carolina State University; Joshua M. McGrath, University of Maryland; Zachary Easton, Virginia Tech; James Thomas Sims, University of Delaware; Amy L. Shober, University of Delaware; Casey Kennedy, USDA-ARS
9:40 AM
Phosphorus Management and Fate in Artificially Drained Systems: Upper Mississippi Case Studies.
Antonio P. Mallarino, Iowa State University; Gary Feyereisen, USDA-ARS-SWMRU; Matthew J. Helmers, Iowa State University; Sharon K. Papiernik, USDA-ARS; Jeffrey S. Strock, University of Minnesota; Chris D. Wente, USDA-ARS
9:50 AM
Vulnerability of Karst Aquifers to Agricultural Contaminants: A Case Study in the Pennyroyal Plateau of Kentucky.
Carl H. Bolster, USDA-ARS; Chris Groves, Western Kentucky University; Jason Polk, Western Kentucky University; Ben Miller, Western Kentucky University; Brian Ham, Western Kentucky University; Sean Vanderhoff, Western Kentucky University
10:00 AM
10:20 AM
10:35 AM
Introduction to Management Section
10:40 AM
Vegetation's Role in Mitigation of Phosphorus From Agricultural Ditch Systems.
Matthew T Moore, USDA-ARS; Martin A. Locke, USDA-ARS; Robert Kroger, Mississippi State University; Jerry L Farris, Arkansas State University; Heather L Tyler, University of Mississippi; Traci C Hudson, Arkansas State University
10:50 AM
Managing Legacy Phosphorus in Artificially Drained Soils.
James Thomas Sims, University of Delaware; Amy L. Shober, University of Delaware; Frank J. Coale, University of Maryland; Joshua M. McGrath, University of Maryland
11:00 AM
Factoring P Into N-Based Controlled Drainage Management.
Jeffrey S. Strock, University of Minnesota; Paulo H. Pagliari, University of Minnesota; Gary Feyereisen, USDA-ARS-SWMRU; Stacey Feser, Blue Earth County Environmental Services
11:10 AM
Phosphorus Export In Cranberry Floodwaters.
Casey Kennedy, USDA-ARS; Carolyn DeMoranville, University of Massachusetts; Peter J. A. Kleinman, USDA-ARS
11:20 AM
Effects of Drainage Water Management On Phosphorus Loss From a Tile-Drained Field in Northern New York.
Justin J. Gebeil, University of Vermont/William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute; Eric O. Young, William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute; Stephen R. Kramer, William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute
11:30 AM
Treatment Systems 1: Blind Inlets.
Douglas R. Smith, USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory; Gary Feyereisen, USDA-ARS-SWMRU; Sharon K. Papiernik, USDA-ARS; Chris D. Wente, USDA-ARS
11:40 AM
Treatment of Phosphorus Transported From Tile and Ditch-Drained Agricultural Fields Using Sorption Materials.
Chad J. Penn, Oklahoma State University; Joshua M. McGrath, University of Maryland; Frank J. Coale, University of Maryland; Ray B. Bryant, USDA-ARS; Douglas R. Smith, USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory; Gary Feyereisen, USDA-ARS-SWMRU; Charlotte Kjærgaard, Aarhus University; Hans Christian Bruun Hansen, University of Copenhagen; Gry Lyngsie, University of Copenhagen
11:50 AM
In-Field and Edge-of-Field Chemical Barriers to Dissolved Phosphorus Losses.
Ray B. Bryant, USDA-ARS; Zachary Easton, Virginia Tech; Anthony R. Buda, USDA-ARS; Arthur L. Allen, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
12:00 PM
12:25 PM
Adjourn for Lunch