Tools & Techniques For Fine Root Imaging and Analysis


Price: $30 ($35 after Sept. 17) Contact: Brienne Meyer, The studies of ¬fine root dynamics – root production, turnover, and lifespan -- and root system architecture (RSA) are at the forefront in the fields of agronomy/plant breeding and agroecology. Future gains in plant productivity will be driven in part by identifying and selecting traits that optimize acquisition of resources, such as water and mineral nutrients, under both conditions of limitation (drought, low fertility) and excess (salinity). CID Bio-Science offers a unique system for root image acquisition and analysis. The CI-600 In Situ Root Scanner produces high-resolution, large-format, color images of roots on rhizo tubes in a matter of minutes. The CI-600 has been widely adopted and cited around the globe for both field and fixed installations. Owing to its relatively rapid image acquisition, researchers can monitor multiple sites, treatments, and replications. A key aspect of root systems is their dynamic nature. The CI-600 facilitates observation of root system dynamics over time. Where the CI-600 has greatly increased the throughput of root image acquisition, our new software package, RootSnap!, relieves the bottleneck of image analysis. Designed for touch-screen displays, RootSnap! algorithms assist the investigator by detecting the root as it is traced by finger or mouse, while automatically calculating the length, diameter, area, and volume. In this workshop, application scientists from CID Bio-Science will • Discuss the range of users and research applications for our root imaging and analysis system • Demonstrate operation of the CI-600 In Situ Root Scanner • Use RootSnap! to analyze root system images provided by researchers • Discuss your specific application Guest researchers who are current customers of CID will also be invited to share their experiences.

Sunday, November 3, 2013: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 9