Monday, 7 November 2005 - 8:15 AM

Rapid Germinating Forage Bahiagrass.

William Anderson, USDA-ARS CGBRU, P.O. Box 748, Tifton, GA 31793, Roger N. Gates, South Dakota State University, West River Agricultural Center, Rapid City, SD 57701, Wayne Hanna, University of Georgia, UGA Tifton Campus, Po Box 748, Tifton, GA 31793-0748, and Ann Blount, University of Florida, North Florida Res & Educ. Center, 3925 Hwy. 71, Marianna, FL 32446-7906.

Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fl�gge) is an important perennial forage grass for Southern United States because of low soil fertility requirements. The ability to establish pastures with seed is an advantage over hybrid bermudagrass for many growers. Current bahiagrass cultivars germinate over an extended period of time. The slow germination and emergence produces incomplete stands, allows weeds to compete and delays grazing or first cutting for hay. A recurrent selection program was begun in 1996 for the purpose of improving fast germination. Seed from Tifton 9 bahiagrass were planted and the first emerging seedlings were selected and used for cross pollination. This procedure was performed over four generations. The resulting cycle 4 rapid germination material was then increased and tested for seedling emergence and vigor. The rapid germ C4 material had a four fold improvement of germination compared to Tifton 9 after one week in greenhouse trials. Germinations rates after one and two weeks were four and two fold greater for C4 compared to Tifton 9 in replicated field trials. Plant height after three weeks from planting were 12 cm for C4 versus 8 cm for Tifton 9. The first harvest dry matter yield of C4 was 3129 kg ha-1 versus 1540 kg ha-1 for Tifton 9 and the total establishment year dry matter yields were 9230 kg ha-1 and 7466 kg ha-1 for C4 and Tifton 9, respectively. Management and implications of C4 in field crop rotation systems will be discussed.

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