Monday, 7 November 2005 - 3:30 PM

Electrical Conductivity as a Function of Water Content.

Robert P. Ewing, Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-1010 and Allen G. Hunt, Departments of Physics and Geology, 248 Fawcett Hall, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435.

Electrical conductivity of soil or rock varies as a function of water content, but there is no agreement regarding the functional form of this dependence. Geologists have long used an empirical equation called Archie's Law, σ = σ0 φm, where σ is electrical conductivity, σ0 is a proportionality coefficient, φ is porosity, and the exponent m is generally near 2.0. Soil physicists more commonly use an empirical equation suggested by Rhoades, σ = σ0 θ(aθ + b) (where θ is volumetric water content), which has conductivity varying with the sum of a linear and a quadratic water content term. We derive a new relationship, similar to both Archie's Law and Rhoades' equation, using continuum percolation. The new equation, σ = σ0 (θ - θc) μ, has a sound theoretical basis and has been confirmed by both experiment and simulation in other fields. The practical implications of this study are, first, σ is not a linear or linear + quadratic function, as commonly assumed. Second, the similarity between this equation and that for liquid-phase diffusion in soils further confirms the analogy between electrical conductivity and diffusion, suggesting possible application to measurement techniques. And third, the exponent μ has a known theoretical value, so the equation uses only two fitting parameters (σ0 and θc) in contrast to Rhoades' three (σ0, a, and b). We present the derivation of the new equation, and compare theoretical and measured values of σ over the full range of saturation. The newly derived expression is superior to other modeling predictions.

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