Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Cultivating Success: Community-Based Education in Sustainable Small Acreage Farming and Ranching.

Catherine Perillo1, Cinda E. Williams2, Theresa Beaver2, Marcy Ostrom1, and Colette DePhelps3. (1) Washington State University, Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences, Pullman, WA 99164-6420, (2) University of Idaho, Plant , Soil & Entomological Sciences, Moscow, ID 83844-2339, (3) Rural Roots, Moscow, ID 83843

This comprehensive, experiential education program is aimed at fostering the success of sustainable small acreage farmers and ranchers in Washington and Idaho. Courses focus on whole farm enterprises, sustainable production practices and promoting a more sustainable food system.

The program was developed for community members and academic students interested in starting a small acreage enterprise, or those intending to work in agricultural service and support sectors.

Farmers and other community resource people are an integral part of the educational experience � both in the classroom and on field trips to local farms and other agricultural venues. Farmer-student mentoring relationships are encouraged throughout the program.

Community members may take individual classes for continuing education units or complete a series of courses to receive a certificate of proficiency in sustainable small acreage farming and ranching. The courses are also available for academic credit at both University of Idaho and Washington State University. A 15-18 unit academic certificate is available for students who complete a series of five courses.

The Cultivating Success program was developed through a collaboration of the University of Idaho, Washington State University, and Rural Roots (Inland Northwest Community Food System Association).

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