Wednesday, 9 November 2005: 4:00 PM-6:00 AM
Convention Center,, Exhibit Hall ABC, Lower Level
255: Production of Grasses
Sponsor:C06 Forage and Grazing Lands
The Long-Term Effect of Liming and N-Fertilization on Bahiagrass Pasture.
Martin Adjei, University of Florida, John Rechcigl, University of Florida
Yearly and Spatial Differences in Forage Nitrate Levels of a Wheat Pasture at the Onset of Fall Grazing.*
Charles MacKown, USDA ARS Grazinglands Res. Lab.
Forage Residue Effects on Soil Temperatures and on Phyllochron in Overseeded Italian Ryegrass.
Paul Bartholomew, USDA-ARS, Robert Williams, USDA-ARS
Persistence of Summer Active Versus Summer Dormant Cool Season Grasses.*
Andrew Hopkins, Noble Foundation
Forage Nutritive Value of Irrigated Pasture Species for the Intermountain West.*
Jennifer MacAdam, Utah State University, Thomas C. Griggs, Utah State University
Quality of Stockpiled Forages.
Andrew P. Robinson, Brigham Young University, Darrin F. Roberts, Brigham Young University, David D. Parker, Brigham Young University, R. D. Horrocks, Brigham Young University
Using Stockpiled Forage Kochia and Crested Wheatgrass to Maintain Beef Cows during Winter.
Blair Waldron, USDA-ARS, Dale ZoBell, Utah State University, Kenneth Olson, Utah State University, Kevin Jensen, USDA-ARS, Donald Snyder, Utah State University
Corn, Sorghum, Sudangrass, Cereal, Brassica, and Legume Forage Yields during Late Summer.*
Ron S. Thaemert, University of Idaho Extension, Glenn E. Shewmaker, University of Idaho, William F. Hazen, University of Idaho Extension, Cindy A. Kinder, University of Idaho Extension
Biomass Production Potential of Native Warm-Season Grass Monocultures and Mixtures.
DoKyoung Lee, Plant Science Department, Vance Owens, Plant Science Department
�in Situ� N Disappearance of �Tifton 85� Bermudagrass Fertilized with Different N Rates.*
Joao M. Vendramini, University of Florida, Lynn Sollenberger, Agronomy Dept.-Univ.of Florida, John Arthington, Range Cattle Research & Ed. Center, Adegbola Adesogan, Department of Animal Science - University of Florida, Jose Dubeux, Univ of Florida, Sindy Interrante, University of Florida, Robert Lawton Stewart, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
University of Florida Forage Evaluation Program for Cattle Ranchers in Southwest Florida.*
Ike Ezenwa, University of Florida/IFAS
Using Stockpiled Bermudagrass and Ryegrass to Reduce Beef Cattle Winter Feeding Costs.
Larry A. Redmon, Texas A&M University, Jason J. Cleere, Texas A&M University Agricultural Research & Extension Center, Gerald Evers, Texas A&M University Agricultural Research & Extension Center
Pasture Assessment at the Whole-Farm Scale.
Matt Sanderson, USDA-ARS, S.C. Goslee, USDA-ARS, K.D. Klement, USDA-ARS, J. Gonet, USDA-ARS
Forage Quality of Oat Hay Cultivars.
Dwain Meyer, North Dakota State University, Michael McMullen, North Dakota State University, Robert Nudell, North Dakota State University
Determining Biomass with NDVI in Grasslands.*
Ernest S. Flynn, University of Kentucky, Charles T. Dougherty, University of Kentucky, Gregory Schwab, University of Kentucky
A Standardized Test for Predicting Switchgrass Field Establishment.
Rob Mitchell, USDA-ARS, K.P. Vogel, USDA-ARS
Cool-Season CRP Management with Fire and Haying.*
P.R. Beuselinck, USDA-ARS-Plant Genetic Res. Unit, R.L. McGraw, University of Missouri, C.A. Roberts, University of Missouri, R.L. Kallenbach, University of Missouri
Factors Contributing to Grassland Implementation and Multifunctionality at Field, Farm and Community Levels in Marion County, Iowa.*
Karie Wiltshire, Departments of Agronomy and Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University, Kathleen Delate, Departments of Agronomy and Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University
Effects of Overseeding Bermudagrass with Annual Ryegrass on Removal of Excess Soil Nutrients from Broiler Litter Applications.
John J. Read, USDA-ARS, Crop Science Research Lab, Karamat R. Sistani, USDA-ARS, Geoffrey E. Brink, USDA-ARS, Dennis E. Rowe, USDA-ARS, J.L. Oldham, Mississippi State University
Heritability of Seedling Vigor in Tetraploid Russian Wildrye.*
John D. Berdahl, USDA-ARS, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, John R. Hendrickson, USDA-ARS, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory
Alkaloid and Endophyte Variability in Festuca and Lolium Grass Species.
Jared Benson, Brigham Young University, Brad Geary, Brigham Young University, Alan Chambers, Brigham Young University, Steven Wood, Brigham Young University, Nick Cameron, Cropmark Seeds Limited, Tim Cookson, Cropmark Seeds Limited, Peter J. Maughan, Brigham Young University, Eric N. Jellen, Brigham Young University, Mikel R. Stevens, Brigham Young University
Evaluation of Tall Fescue Genotypes for Heat and Drought Tolerance.*
Francis Kirigwi, Noble Foundation, John Zwonitzer, Noble Foundation, Malay Saha, Noble Foundation
Shoot and Root Responses of Bahiagrass Genotypes to Extended Daylength and Fertilization.
Sindy M. Interrante, University of Florida, Lynn E. Sollenberger, University of Florida, Ann Blount, University of Florida, Thomas Sinclair, University of Florida, Jose Dubeux, University of Florida, Joao M.B. Vendramini, University of Florida
Forage Productivity and Nutritional Value of Winter Cereals Planted at Three Fall Dates.*
Thomas C. Griggs, Utah State University, Kristina Pack, Utah State University, Darren R. Fillmore, Utah State University, Robert D. Clawson, Utah State University, Megan M. Guenter, Utah State University

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* = Poster available online