Since the industrial revolution, tropospheric ozone concentrations ([O3]) have risen by 0.5�2.5% per year (faster than CO2).� Nearly 25% of the earth's surface is currently at risk from ground-level ozone in excess of 60 ppb despite improvements in US air quality over the past 30 yrs.� The US soybean-corn agricultural system covers approximately 62 million hectares making it arguably one of the largest ecosystems.� Utilizing SoyFACE (SOYbean Free Atmosphere gas Concentration Enrichment) to elevate [O3] (1.2x ambient) provided a unique opportunity to analyze the ozone-impact in the field.� In 2002 & 2003, simultaneous measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic gas-exchange were made on two groups of excised leaves: the newest topmost fully-expanded leaves and two leaf cohorts over their lifetimes.� Total peroxidase activity (measurement of H2O2 detoxification capacity) was made for mature leaves in 2006.� Elevated [O3] accelerated leaf senescence hastening losses in carboxylation efficiency (an in vivo measure of Rubisco activity) and photosynthetic electron transport for regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP).� Lost leaf photosynthetic capacity due to elevated [O3] decreased harvest yield by 20%.� Following only two, 8-hour fumigations with low-level [O3] in controlled environment chambers, total peroxidase activity increased in wild-type Arabidopsis leaves.� Field-grown soybean in open-top chambers also increased total peroxidase activity upon exposure to ozone compared to low-ozone environments.� Peroxidase activity increased over the growing season in SoyFACE plots; however, elevated ozone did not further increase leaf peroxidase activity compared to ambient concentrations.� These findings emphasize the need to discover how plants respond mechanistically to elevated [O3] at the leaf level as a means of protecting against damage both today and for the future.� With the increasing dependence placed upon model projections of crop production, assessing the impacts of ground-level [O3] on crops in the field is crucial to understanding future food production.