Adjusting Mid-Season Nitrogen Using a Sensor-Based Optimization Algorithm to Increase Use Efficiency in Corn (Zea mays L.). |
Can optical sensing identify the right N rate for corn?. |
Effect of Delayed Emergence on Corn (Zea mays L.) Grain Yields. |
Effect of Delayed N Fertilization on Corn Grain Yields. |
Extending New Technologies for Nitrogen Management in Corn Production. |
Higher Phosphorus Use Efficiency with Foliar Applied Phosphorus. |
Nitrogen Sensors to Fine Tune the Nutrient Management Decision Making Process. |
Optimum Spatial Scale and Management Resolution for Corn (Zea mays L.). |
Ramp Calibration Strip Technology for Determining Mid-Season N Rates in Wheat and Corn. |
Soil-Plant N Resiliency - What is It and What Produces It?. |
Wheat Yield Prediction by Using an Active Sensor in the Northern Argentinean Pampas. |