Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
189: Soil Aggregates and Physical Fractions
Sponsor:S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Carbon and nitrogen pools in aggregates separated by dry and wet sieving methods.*
Upendra Sainju, USDA-ARS
Soil Aggregation and Enzyme Activities as affected by Management Practices.
Maysoon Mikha, USDA-ARS, Ver�nica Acosta-Mart�nez, USDA-ARS, Merle Vigil, USDA
Physical Fractionation of Soil Organic Matter Using Sodium Hexametaphosphate Requires Caution.
Kelly K. Moran, Argonne National Laboratory, Julie Jastrow, Argonne National Laboratory, Sarah O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago
Aggregate Stability: Influence of the Chemical, Physical, and Biological Mechanisms in three Different Soil Types.
Karina Fabrizzi, Kansas State Univ., Charles Rice, Kansas State University, Dep. of Agronomy, Telmo Amado, Soil Department, Federal Unversity of Santa Maria, Jackson Fiorin, FUNDACEP, Pedro Barbagelata, INTA Parana, Ricardo Melchiori, INTA Parana
Spatial distribution of microorganisms at the scale of microaggregates in soil.
Jose Miguel Seoane, INAPG UMR Bioemco, Laure Vieuble Gonod, INAPG UMR EGC, Claire Chenu, INAPG UMR Bioemco
Incorporation of Radiocarbon from Forest Litter and Roots into Microaggregate-Protected and Unprotected Soil Carbon Pools.
Julie D. Jastrow, Argonne National Laboratory, Sarah L. O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago, Kelly K. Moran, Argonne National Laboratory, Christopher Swanston, LLNL-CAMS, Paul Hanson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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* = Poster available online