Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 8:55 AM
Indiana Conv. Center, Room 117, First Floor
282: Nitrogen Transformations and Soil Biology
Sponsor:S03 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Presiding:Jeanette Norton, Utah State University
8:55 AMIntroductory Remarks
9:00 AMConnecting Community Structure, Kinetics and Process: Nitrification in Dairy Waste Treated Soils.
Jeanette M. Norton, Utah State Univ, Mussie Y. Habteselassie, Purdue Univ, Teresa E. Koper, Utah State Univ, John Stark, Dept of Biology, Utah State Univ, Bruce E. Miller, Ag Systems Tech.& Educ, Utah State Univ
9:15 AMTowards National Prediction of Manure N Availability: Soil Influence on Nitrifier Community and Nitrification.
Ann-Marie Fortuna, USDA-ARS, New England Plant, Soil, & Water Laboratory, C. W. Honeycutt, USDA-ARS, Terence L. Marsh, Michigan State Univ, Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Tim Griffin, USDA-ARS, Robert Larkin, USDA-ARS, Zhongqi He, USDA-ARS, Brian Wienhold, USDA-ARS, Karamat Sistani, USDA-ARS, Stephan Albrecht, Columbia Plateau Conserv.Res.Ctr., Bryan Woodbury, PO Box 166, H. A. Torbert, USDA-ARS, J. Mark Powell, USDA-ARS, Robert Hubbard, USDA-ARS, SE Watershed Lab, Roger Eigenberg, USDA, Robert Wright, USDA-ARS, Nat'l Prog. Staff
9:30 AMActivities of N-mineralization Enzymes Associated with Soil Aggregates in Three Different Tillage Systems. 
Subathra Muruganandam, North Carolina State Univ, Daniel Israel, North Carolina State University, Wayne Robarge, North Carolina State University
9:45 AMSoil Enzyme Activities in a Forage soil: modification by Swine Lagoon Effluent versus Ammonium Nitrate. 
Kannan Iyyemperumal, North Carolina State uNIV, sOIL sCIENCE, Wei Shi, North Carolina State Univ, Dept of Soil Science
10:00 AMBreak
10:15 AMEnzyme Activity in Soils Treated with Trace Element-Enriched Broiler Litter. 
Osagie Idehen, Tuskegee University, K. Kpomblekou-A, Tuskegee University
10:30 AMNitrogen Losses from Urine Patches; the Effects of Soil Type and Application Time. 
Christy van Beek, Alterra, Jan-Willem van Groenigen, Alterra, Eduard Hummelink, Alterra, Oene Oenema, Alterra, Wim Corr�, Plant Research International
10:45 AMLegume Nitrogen Fixation as an Internal Regulator of Nitrogen Cycling in Agroecosystems. 
Meagan Schipanski, Cornell University, Laurie Drinkwater, 124 Plant Science, Steven Vanek, Cornell University
11:00 AMDissolved Organic Nitrogen Dominates Extractable Nitrogen Pools in Cranberry bBds. 
Sarah M. Stackpoole, University of Wisconsin- Madison, Kevin R. Kosola, University of Wisconsin- Madison
11:15 AMAdjourn

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