Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Indiana Conv. Center, Exhibit Hall ABC, First Floor
289: Pedologic Processes: Measurement and Interpretation
Sponsor:S05 Pedology
Effect of Urbanization on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soils of a Rapidly Growing Suburb of Des Moines, Iowa.
Amy Norton, Iowa State Univ, Andrew Manu, Iowa State Univ, 100 Osborn Dr., M. A. Tabatabai, Iowa State Univ, Agronomy Dept
Comparison of a Dynamic and Static Penetrometer for Reproducibility of Readings.*
Eric Brevik, Dept of Physics, Astron, and Geosciences
Computer-Assisted Checks for Coordination of Interpretative Soil Information and Soil Properties.*
Harold Raymond Sinclair Jr., USDA-NRCS, Jim R. Fortner, USDA-NRCS, Robert R. Dobos, USDA-NRCS, Sharon W. Waltman, USDA-NRCS
Redox Development in Soil Materials as Influenced by Time, Temperature, and Carbon Level � Part A: Morphological and Physical Changes.*
Douglas Malo, Box 2140C SNP 247C, Rebecca Blue, South Dakota State Univ, Thomas Schumacher, NPB 247A, Box 2140C, James Doolittle, Plant Science Dept , SDSU, Jennifer Lund, South Dakota State Univ
Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) Measurement of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity (ECa) to Characterize Soils and Stratigraphy for Wetland Restoration.*
Karen Davis, NCSU
Redox Development in Soil Materials as Influenced by Time, Temperature, and Carbon Level - Part B: Chemical Changes.*
Rebecca Blue, South Dakota State Univ, Douglas Malo, Box 2140C SNP 247C, Thomas Schumacher, NPB 247A, Box 2140C, James Doolittle, Plant Science Dept, SDSU, Jennifer Lund, South Dakota State Univ
Internet-Based Soil Survey Database Management System.
Bryan D. Mayhan, Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems, Jennifer L. Goyne, Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems, Garry M. Gunder, Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems
Potential Effects of Earthworms on Soil Renovation of Household Wastewater.
Carrie Hawkins, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, E. M. Rutledge, University of Arkansas, Martin Shipitalo, USDA-ARS,N.Appalachian Exp.Wts, Mary Savin, 115 Plant Science Building
Using Empirical and Stochastic Models to Evaluate Corn Yield by Soil Series.
Raymond R. Struthers, Purdue Univ, Chris Johannsen, Purdue Univ, Gary Steinhardt, Purdue Univ, Darrell Schulze, Purdue Univ
Preferential Flow and Phosphorus Translocation in West Virginia Benchmark Soils.
Michael B. Harman, West Virginia Univ, James Thompson, West Virginia Univ., Eugenia Pena-Yewtukhiw, West Virginia Univ
Classification of Surface Mine Soils and Prediction of Corn Yields Based on Soil Classification.
Debra Foye, Purdue Univ

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* = Poster available online