See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: Phylogenetic Perspectives on Assembling the Tree of Life in Deep Time
Because there are relatively few described species of Paleozoic aglaspidids, phyllocarids and euthycarcinoids, larger scale questions in arthropod evolution are unresolved – for example, it is not known whether crustaceans are monophyletic or paraphyletic, or where the exact systematic affinity of Euthycaricnoidea lies. In order to help elucidate some of these relationships, the Elk Mound and Potsdam fauna is described and the systematic position of the new phyllocarids and euthycarcinoids is resolved using parsimony analysis and morphological data.
Protichnites and related arthropod trackways in aeolian facies of the Potsdam of Quebec represent the first evidence for animal terrestrialization; some of the new phyllocarid and euthycarcinoid arthropod body fossils are at the terminus of similar traces, potentially offering the opportunity to link animals to behaviors within specific paleoenvironments.
See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: Phylogenetic Perspectives on Assembling the Tree of Life in Deep Time