See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: Libraries in Transformation: Exploring Topics of Changing Practices and New Technologies
Today the Geological Society publishes around 10-12 000 pages of new peer-reviewed content annually, much of it within its well known Special Publications series. The 21st century challenge for the Society has been to bring this content together, building a comprehensive and highly functional electronic collection of content in order that users can extract maximum value from the Society's accumulated content. The result is the widely praised Lyell Collection, launched in 2007 – the Geological Society's bicentenary year.
Society publishers are often significant within their field, yet can rarely rely on the scale of resources, connections or economies of scale enjoyed by the large commercial publishers with which they compete. It is essential, therefore, that these not-for-profit organisations work efficiently and intelligently, applying their resources as effectively as possible and utilising external expertise as required. Most importantly, success for the society publisher in tomorrow's predominantly electronic world will be contingent upon establishing collaborative relationships and partnerships with suppliers, authors, readers – and librarians.
See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: Libraries in Transformation: Exploring Topics of Changing Practices and New Technologies