191-6 Why Study Geology?

See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: The Human Connection with Planet Earth: What is it and Why is it Important?

Monday, 6 October 2008: 9:25 AM
George R. Brown Convention Center, 342CF

Eldridge M. Moores, Department of Geology, Univ of California, Davis, CA
It is simple. Humans have a natural hunger to understand their surroundings. Children are naturally interested in subjects such as dinosaurs, volcanoes. Many creation and other myth are probably an attempt by early people to do so The pathway to universal scientific literacy is through Earth Science education.

Physics, chemistry, and biology developed out of study of Earth materials. The Copernican Revolution was a recognition of the relationship between Earth and the Sun. Geology is arguably the foundational science. We should claim that position!.

Everything we need for existence except sunlight, we get from the Earth. Geology underlies everything. It determines the landscape, the nature of agriculture, and the character of villages and cities. Rocks underlie the soil and contain the mineral resources that form the basis of our technological economies.

In the coming century, the survival of human society and all other life on Earth will involve decisions regarding climate change, water supply, resources, pollution., hazards. These decisions involving Earth science will be made whether or not the decision-makers know any geology. No better argument for universal education in geology exists.

The early 20th century geologist, Kirtley Mather, divided knowledge into two parts: physical, that knowledge subject to measurement, and spiritual, that subject to evaluation but unquantifiable, such as wonder, awe, ethics, esthetics, etc. The spiritual quality of the geologic experience makes the field attractive to many people and also helps explain people's natural affinity for knowledge about the Earth.

See more from this Division: Topical Sessions
See more from this Session: The Human Connection with Planet Earth: What is it and Why is it Important?