Recent studies have identified extensive eolian deposits in southeastern Maryland where previously such deposits were considered of limited extent. Geospatial analysis using 2-m LiDAR and SSURGO map-unit data allows identification of these deposits and demonstrates the close association between soil series and complexes and these late-Pleistocene morphostratigraphic units. The most striking examples include the association of (a) the Galestown loamy sand (G) with river-bordering dunes on the east bank of the Potomac and Patuxent rivers (Fig. 1); and (b) the Annapolis loamy sand and fine sandy loam (A) and the Donlonton fine sandy loam (D) with bay- and river-bordering dunes in the Annapolis area (Fig. 2). On-going field mapping and sampling for age analysis, combined with geospatial/geomorphic analysis, will allow for development of soil chronosequences and a regional pedo/geo chronostratigraphy.
1. (A) 2-meter LiDAR of late Pleistocene eolian dunes and (B) SSURGO map units
(Galestown, G) in the Piscataway Park area,
Charles County, Maryland.
2. (A) 2-meter LiDAR of late Pleistocene eolian dunes and (B) SSURGO map units (Annapolis, A;
Donlonton, D) in the Mayo area (south of Annapolis), Anne Arundel County, Maryland.