The paper reports on a study of the efficacy of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP on reducing nitrification and N2O emissions from 2 acidic Australian sugarcane soils (red clay loam (PG) and black sandy clay loam (MK)) under different temperature (25 and 35oC) and moisture (60 and 90% (MK only) WFPS) conditions. DMPP reduced production of NO3- in PG by 85 and 89% over 70 days at 25 and 35oC respectively. In MK NO3- production was reduced by 28% at 25oC and not at all at 35oC at 60% WFPS. At 90% WFPS DMPP reduced NO3- production by 5 and 14% at 25 and 35oC respectively.
In PG N2O emissions were reduced by more than 90% over 70 days as a result of addition of DMPP to urea under both temperatures at 60% WFPS. In MK N2O emissions were reduced by 64 and 19% at 25 and 35oC respectively at 60% WFPS and by 84% at 25oC and 90% WFPS. At 35oC and 90% WFPS DMPP was ineffective at reducing N2O emissions from applied urea in MK.
The paper will also report a study comparing the effectiveness of DMPP and DCD on pasture soils.