Improved Management Practice to Enhance Dryland Crop Yields and Environmental Quality.

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See more from this Session: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation 2A
Friday, March 7, 2014: 10:35 AM
Grand Sheraton, Camellia
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Upendra M Sainju, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Sidney, MT

Improved Management Practice to Enhance Dryland Crop Yields and Environmental Quality

Upendra M. Sainju


Sidney, MT

Management practices are needed to sustain dryland crop yields and quality while improving environmental quality. The effects of cropping sequence and N fertilization on crop yields and quality, soil C and N sequestration, N losses from soil profile, and net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity were evaluated on a dryland agroecosystem from 2006 to 2011 in eastern Montana. Treatments were no-till continuous malt barley (NTCB), no-till malt barley-pea (NTB-P), no-till malt barley-fallow (NTB-F), and conventional till malt barley-fallow (CTB-F), each with 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N ha-1. With or without N fertilization, annualized malt barley grain yield was greater in NTB-P and NTCB than in CTB-F and NTB-F. Malt barley protein concentration was lower but grain plumpness was higher in NTB-P with 40 kg N ha-1 than most other treatments. The amount of N fertilizer required for sustaining malt barley yield and quality was lower in NTB-P than NTCB at 80 kg N ha-1. Soil organic C and total N were higher in NTB-P than in CTB-F and NTB-F with or without N fertilization. Estimated N balance after six years was positive and greater in NTB-P with 40 kg N ha-1, indicating N gain than losses due to leaching, denitrification, and volatilization in other treatments. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity after accounting for all C sources and sinks were lower in NTB-P than other cropping sequences at 0 kg N ha-1 and lower in NTB-P and NTCB than CTB-F at 80 kg N ha-1. Because of favorable malt barley grain yield and quality, increased soil C and N sequestration, reduced N fertilization rate and N losses, and lower net greenhouse gas emissions, NTB-P with N rates between 40 to 80 kg N ha-1 may sustain crop yield and quality while improving environmental quality in dryland cropping systems.   

See more from this Division: Oral
See more from this Session: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation 2A