453-11 Temperature and Substrate C:N Drive Microbial Carbon Use Efficiency and 13 C Discrimination.

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soils & Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: Symposium--Soil Change: Agronomic, Ecological, and Pedologic Process Measurements and Modeling: Title: I
Wednesday, November 5, 2014: 11:00 AM
Long Beach Convention Center, Room 104B
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Sharon A. Billings1, Christoph Lehmeier1, Kyungjin Min1 and Ford Ballantyne IV2, (1)University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
(2)University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Rates of soil organic carbon flows through microbial biomass and into CO2 generally increase with temperature, though this can depend on multiple features including substrate C:N.  Studies suggest microbial C use efficiency (CUE) declines with temperature, but CUE is only rarely if ever measured, and it remains unclear how substrate C:N may interact with temperature to influence CUE.  Processes generating CO2 impart isotopic fingerprints on multiple compounds, useful for discerning mechanisms driving observed patterns, but δ13C-CO2 is used to infer CUE and SOC dynamics without an understanding of the factors governing isotopic fractionation.  Using a simplified system, we quantified C flow through bacteria offered substrates with varying C:N and measured δ13C of microbial biomass and respired CO2 across >13°C.  CUE declined ~1% per °C increase at C:N=10; contrasting with stoichiometric theory, CUE declines with warming were greatest when substrate C:N was lowest.  At C:N=10, fractionation between substrate, biomass, and CO2 suggests the relative dominance of different metabolic pathways generating CO2 changed with temperature, but the effect varied with substrate C:N.  We demonstrate that rising temperature induces a large, variable effect on δ13C-CO2, and a smoothly increasing difference between δ13C of CO2 and biomass.  Accounting for these isotopic effects is critical for interpreting δ13C of microbial and ecosystem respiration.  We present proof-of-concept that CUE can decline with rising temperature, that mineralization of organic C into CO2 by heterotrophic microbes can induce isotopic fractionation, and that temperature can predict the magnitude of biomass-CO2 fractionation in some substrate landscapes.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soils & Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: Symposium--Soil Change: Agronomic, Ecological, and Pedologic Process Measurements and Modeling: Title: I