167 Symposium--Soil Potassium Tests and Their Relationship to Plant Availability and Native Mineralogy: I
Oral Session
SSSA Division: Soil MineralogyPotassium is an essential nutrient for plants, animals, and humans. It has reemerged as a topic of scientific discussion. This is due in part to erratic crop yield responses to potassium fertilizer additions, reports of potassium deficiencies, the rising costs of potassium fertilizers, and the difficulties encountered in developing soil potassium test recommendations which adequately mimic plant availability. Moreover, the potassium supplying power of soils is impacted by the native minerals present and their complex interaction with plants, environmental conditions such as moisture content, and management. The purpose of this joint symposium is to bring together scientists to explore how soil potassium tests relate to plant availability and mineralogy over a range in soil types, environmental conditions, and management practices in order to identify gaps in our understanding of the soil potassium cycle.

Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis
Monday, November 3, 2014: 12:55 PM-4:00 PM
Long Beach Convention Center, Room 203A
Christopher J. Matocha
Peter C. Scharf
1:00 PM
1:55 PM
2:15 PM
2:55 PM
3:15 PM
3:30 PM
3:45 PM