Saturday, 15 July 2006

The Effect of Fertilizer Application with Zinc on Yield and Some Yield Components of Chickpea Varieties.

Aysen Akay, Sulcuk Univ Agricultural Faculty, Dept of Soil Science, Konya Campus, Konya, Turkey

This study, conducted under field conditions in May-September of 2003 and 2004, was aimed to evaluate the effect of fertilizer application with zinc to different chickpea varieties and to determine the most suitable zinc application dose. This experiment was conducted in split plot design. Thirteen types of chickpea were employed in the experimentation. These were Aydın, Akçin-91, Er-99, ILC-195, Menemen, İzmir-92, İzmir, Uzunlu-99, Çiftçi-477 (Population), ILC-482, Gökçe-448, Canıtez-87 and Küsmen. In the experiment conducted under watery conditions, zinc was applied on the soil at four doses (0-2-4-6 kg zinc sulfate/da) before sowing. Grain yields were determined with respect to ripening state in harvested chickpea samples in the end of the vegetation period. According to Duncan test results, there were significant (P>0.01) differences between breeds in respect of described criteria. Zinc application on Er-99, Akçin-91, Gökçe-448, and ILC-482 had negative effect on grain yield Relationship between the applications of zinc to grain yield, Zn content of leaf, Zn and crude protein contents of grain were found statistically significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01.

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