Saturday, 15 July 2006

Geographic Mapping and Analysis Using GIS of Study Areas in Bahariya Oasis, Egypt.

Mohamed Abbas Rasheed, Soils & Water Use Dept, National Research Centre (NRC), EL-Tahrir St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt, Khaled Mohamed Darwish, Soils & Water Use Depy, National Research Centre (NRC),, EL-Tahrir St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt, and Reinhard Zölitz-Moeöller, Institut For Geographie und Geologie, F.-L.-Jahn Strasse 16, Griefswald, Germany.

Geographic database techniques offer powerful capabilities to manage and integrate vast amounts of environmental data (Zölitz-Möller et al., 1993). In this research, ArcView GIS system is used to perform the geographic and physiographic maps. Egypt has directed major efforts to explore the natural resources in the Western Desert Oases. In this accord, the main aim of this study is to produce geomorphologic geometric maps that are expressing the landscape conditions and different landforms available in the selected study areas in Bahariya Oasis. These maps can be used as the basic geo-referenced documentations for the land evaluation decision support system. Concerning the thematic maps, database and climatic data were available. Based on the digitized aerial photo interpretation and field check of the plot study areas, the workable physiographic legend was formulated. In this legend, the geomorphologic approach according to Zinck (1989) was applied up to the level of landform features available in the area. Four different landscapes have been recognized in the study area including Hilland, Plateau, Peneplain and Plain that were divided into 6 repeated relief types, each of which were further subdivided based on lithology/origin, and finally 27 landforms were distinguished in the area.

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