Monday, 10 July 2006 - 5:00 PM

Relationships between Distribution of Longevous Population's Rate and Trace Elements in Soils of Rugao County, Jiangsu, China.

Biao Huang1, Rongqing Yang1, Weixia Sun1, Zhong Zou2, Jianping Su2, and Feng Ding2. (1) State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 71 E. Beijing Road, Nanjing, China, (2) Service Station of Soil and Fertilizer Technology, Bureau of Agriculture of Rugao County, 15 E. Yuejin Road, Rugao, 226500, China

The human being is intimately united with the environment and its subsistence, health and development mostly depend on the environment. Soil becomes a key element of the environment because of its influence on the quality of water, plant and atmosphere through material cycling and further effect on human health through food chains. The essential trace elements originated from soils pay an important role in the biochemical reaction of human body as components of enzyme, hormone, vitamin and nucleic acid and greatly affect human health. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationships between the rate of over 90-year-old in 100 thousand populations (90-rate) and soil types and their elements. A survey on soil environment in a longevous area, Rugao County, Jiangsu Province, China, with a high 90-rate was conducted. The concentrations of H2O-extractable Se, B, and F, and DTPA-extractable Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Co in soils as their available forms were determined. The correlations between 90-rate and available elements on the basis of village level (about 4,000 populations and 4 km2) and the principal component analysis were carried out to statistically determine the relationships between them. The average 90-rate in whole area was high with 249. However, the rates were not uniform in different areas, which showed that the 90-rate in the north-northeast- east area of the county with the 90-rate of 385 was significantly higher than that in central-west-south area with 184. The distribution of 90-rates was extremely similar to that of soil series. The loamy and strongly-developed Anthrosols and Cambosols such as Banjing and Dongcheng (loam, mixed, thermic, anthrostagnic Dark-Aquic Cambosols), and Baipu (loam, mica, thermic, typic Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols) were distributed in the north-northeast-east area and the sandy strongly-developed Cambosols such as Motou (sand, mica-mixed, thermic, calcaric, Ochri-Aquic Cambosols) and Guoyuan (sand mica-mixed typic thermic, Haplic-Ustic Cambosols), and clayey and weakly-developed Cambosols such as Changqingsha (clay, hydromica, thermic, calcaric, Ochri-Aquic Cambosols) were distributed in central-west-south area. Likewise, the concentrations of available Se, Zn and B in Banjing, Dongcheng, and Baipu were markedly higher than that in Motou, Guoyuan, and Changqingsha, resulting in highly positive correlations between 90-rate and available Se, Zn and B (r=0.337**, 0.199**, and 0.244**, respectively, p<0.01). It was showed from the principal components analysis that the first remained principal component (2.883 of eigenvalue value and 28.658% of variance) termed longevous factor with high 90-rate loading (0.551) had the high loadings of available Se, Zn, and B in soils that were 0.820, 0.841, and 0.603, respectively. These results suggested an element associate of Se, Zn, and B had a positive effect on the 90-rate and could be an important environmental geochemical factor affecting longevity of human being.

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