Saturday, 15 July 2006

Sustainable Agriculture in Azerbaijan (East Shirvan).

Chingiz K. Alekperov, Tel-Aviv Univ George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, TAU Ramat Aviv,, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel

World accumulates great technology on sustainable agriculture and crop production in different parts of the Earth. Transferring technology from one part of the world to an other part is great time economy and quick plant knowledge. Shirvan plain have west central and east parts, located on Kura river basin. Our research carried out on gray alluvial soils with high level of the underground water (0.5-2.5 m). Agriculture in this area is hazardous, but after transferring the technology is arid and saline soil areas (19 dS/m) to produce high quality crops (wheat, corn, alfalfa , cotton, grape, tomato). These areas were exploitation for the winter grasses. Now after transferring the knowledge and local experience to East Shirvan to produce fodder for dairy farm. Sustainable agriculture in East Shirvan is an example for the agriculture development in this part of the Shirvan plain. This research was successfully utilized by small farmers in this part of the Azerbaijan.

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