Saturday, 15 July 2006

Mulching for a Healthy Landscape-A Case Study Iranian Soils.

Naser Bassirani, Zabol Univ, Zabol University Street, Zabol, 98616, Iran

A result of the geographical and ecological situation of Iran, as well as the blowing of unfavorable winds in the Central Desert, more than 80% of the 164 million hectare area of the country is subject to the conditions of arid and semi arid regions, characterized by low precipitation, ranged between 50 to 250 mm per year. At the present the area of the country's deserts and sandy soils is estimated to be 34 million hectares, and that of the poor and desertified rangelands which 12 million hectares correspond to the sandy, soils 5 million of the same shifting sand dunes. For as long as trees have grown in forests, leaves and needles have fallen to the ground and formed a natural protective layer over the soil. This same protection can be given to the plants in our landscapes by mulching. Mulching can make a big difference in the success of your landscape. Mulches conserve soil moisture, allowing you to water less often; keep down weeds; reduce erosion; keep plant roots cool; provide winter protection; and make your yard more attractive. Mulches also simplify lawn mowing around trees and shrubs. A ring of mulch allows you to bring your lawn mower right up to the edge of the mulch, eliminating the need for string weeders. At the same time you are protecting tree trunks and surface roots from damage by mowing and clipping equipment. Keywords: Mulching; geographical, plants, Iran.

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