Saturday, 15 July 2006

Nitrogen Rates Affected Biomass Production and N Uptake of Chinese Cabbages under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature.

Seok-In Yun1, Hee-Myong Ro1, Woo-Jung Choi2, Jong-Seo Choi1, and Young-Jun Nam1. (1) Dept of Applied Biology and Chemistry, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National Univ, San 56-1 Sillim-dong, Seoul, South Korea, (2) Dept of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Chonnam National Univ, Yongbong-dong 300, Gwangju, South Korea

To investigate the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on plant biomass production and N uptake, Chinese cabbages were grown at two rates of N (350 and 700 mg kg-1) under contrasting atmospheric CO2 (360 and 650 µmol mol-1) in combination with current ambient or elevated (ambient +5°C) temperature for 70 days. Temperature, CO2, and N rate significantly affected dry matter yield of Chinese cabbage. Elevated CO2 suppressed dry-mass accumulation of the plants receiving N at 350 mg kg-1 irrespective of temperature, but the degree of suppression was significantly reduced for the plants receiving N at 700 mg kg-1 only when coupled with elevated temperature. Temperature and CO2 significantly affected N content of Chinese cabbages, while N rate did not. Irrespective of temperature and CO2 levels, N uptake efficiency was reduced with increasing N rates. However, N uptake efficiency of the plants receiving high N rates grown at elevated-temperature regimes increased at elevated CO2 levels whereas that of their counterparts grown at ambient-temperature regimes decreased, suggesting that the N rate of 700 mg kg-1 would be insufficient to ensure optimum growth of Chinese cabbages under elevated temperature and CO2. Our results suggest that an alternative N fertilization for Chinese cabbages should be tested if a doubling of atmospheric CO2 level leads to elevated temperatures.

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